We provide effective applications

If you have come to this section of our site it may be that you have been refused planning permission for your project and are wondering what to do next.


It may be that you have already decided that an appeal is going to be the next move in securing planning permission but you are unsure of how to procceed further.


Whatever your situation we have included below an outline of the appeals proccess and how we are able to guide you through it.

Our input can turn things your way

Appeals against decisions reached by local planning authorities are sometimes required.  R P Wood Planning Consultancy has many years of experience of preparing and submitting appeals.  


Appeals are submitted to the Secretary of state in the form of the Planning Inspectorate based in Bristol.


Planning appeals may be conducted in three ways:


Written representation appeals (the most usual)


Informal Hearings


Public Inquiries


R P Wood Planning Consultancy has undertaken appeals through all of these routes and will advise clients on the most appropriate one for their particular circumstances.  We undertake all necessary research on the case and prepare the required forms and detailed statements of case/evidence that may be required to be submitted.  The consultancy will then undertake all correspondence and the development of a case, through to appearance at the Inspectors site visit, as the clients representative at Informal hearings, or as an expert witness at Public inquiry.


The consultancy also prepares and submits representations and appears as expert witness for 3rd parties wishing their views to be considered in appeals which may affect them.


R P Wood Planning Consultancy will resource additional expertise such as highway engineers, ecological consultants and legal counsel if required by 
an appeal.


Appeals can be undertaken on behalf of clients in relation to refusal of planning permission, advertisement consent and listed building consent.  Appeals are also undertaken on behalf of clients against enforcement notices and conditions that may be attached to permissions.


Experience has shown that clients who make use of a chartered town planner in undertaking appeals provide for presentation of more effective and coherent arguments which increase likelihood of appeals being allowed.  Specialist knowledge of legislation, planning policy and case law precedent that can be provided by the consultant is particularly important in achieving a successful outcome.

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© R & K Wood Planning LLP | 1 Meadowfield Court | Meadowfield Industrial Estate | Ponteland | Newcastle Upon Tyne | NE20 9SD | 01661825008